Student Code of Conduct: Reboot 2025

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WBC Student Ministry Code of Conduct

As a participant in the Student Ministry of Westminster Baptist Church, I understand and agree to the following:


·       I will respect myself, other people, other people’s property, and the church property.


·       Respect the facilities. (e.g., do not throw or kick balls at the doors or walls, no standing, walking or running on furniture or chairs, clean up after yourself.)


·       I will be an encourager, not one who ridicules, makes fun of, or criticizes. Show respect for everyone you come in contact with, by your actions and your words. This means that making fun of others and cutting each other down is not acceptable.


·       Keep a positive attitude. Remember that you are an ambassador for Christ and this church and, as such, your actions and words provide either a good or bad example.


·       I will deal peacefully with anger and disagreements.


·       I will participate and contribute in a positive way in all group activities and obey the instructions of the student ministry staff.


·       During services and Bible studies I will show respect by not causing disruptions and not talking unless called on to respond.


·       I will use language that reflects a Christian attitude. I will not use curse words or other foul language.


·       I will maintain my witness by keeping my hands to myself: no tickling, wrestling, piggyback rides or inappropriate touching (which means: do not touch anyone anywhere that a bathing suit would cover). In addition, physical displays of affection such as kissing, full body hugs, sitting on laps, and lying or sleeping next to each other are inappropriate and being isolated or alone with another student is not allowed.


·       I will wear modest clothing. No clothing that is sexually suggestive or spiritually degrading. T- shirts or other clothing with evil, vulgar, illegal, or inappropriate content will not be permitted. In addition, there should be: no midriffs, no low-cut tops, no spaghetti straps (tank tops must have a strap width of at least two fingers), no see-through clothing, and no sagging pants (no boxers or underwear showing). Dress shorts or jean shorts or athletic shorts must be visible under shirt.


·       All cell phones and other equipment are put away or switched off during lesson times.


·       I will stay with the group at all times. For example, if we are having a meeting in the youth center, I will not leave the youth center. If we are on a trip, I will stay with the group or in a small group of no less than two or three (if instructed to do so).


·       Students and leaders should always be in an open area with at least another person. Do not disappear into vacant rooms or hallways.


·       I will not possess a gun, long blade knife, or any other weapon at any student ministry activity at the church or away.


·       I will not use, possess or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other illegal drugs at any student ministry activity.


·       I will not engage in sexual intimacy or sexual harassment, and will not possess pornography at any student ministry activity.



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