July 11-16 | Please fill out this form and click submit.

 One person in Scripture is the full and complete embodiment of every good trait any other character ever displayed - Jesus. He is the MATCHLESS ONE. If you are a student having completed 6th through 12th grade, join us for FUGE Camps 2022 as we study the lives of these well-known Old Testament characters and see the story of Jesus foreshadowed in their lives. 

Total cost: $420.00
Note: We will have passive and active fundraisers to offset cost.
Deposit Required:  $75 deposit required to reserve your place at FUGE 2022.
Deposit Deadline: April 13th
How to pay: Online here, or in person to Mrs. Alethia Hauffman by choosing the "0" option.



July 11-16
Please fill out this form and click submit.