MFUGE 2025 Registration

June 30th - July 4th | During the day at MFUGE, your students will be challenged and stretched as individuals; in the evenings, you’ll have an opportunity to build group unity over dinner, worship, fellowship and church group devotions.

MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission!
                                                               Required Forms: 

1.  2025 Medical Release Form (not needed again if you attended 2025 Reboot) 

2. WBC Code of Conduct MFuge 2025

3. MFuge Participant Waiver (not out yet)

                                                                   Payment Info:
Total cost
: $440.00 due Monday June 16th*
     Note: We will equip students to fundraise to offset cost. 

Deposit: $150 deposit due Sunday, April 27th*

How to pay: Online here, or with cash/check in the offering boxes. If cash/check, choose the "0" option in the payment section below. **

are Non- Refundable.

make checks out to a specific person but to Westminster Baptist Church (this allows deposits/payments to be tax-deductable)

Sample Support Letter: Sample Support Letter 2025


June 30th - July 4th
During the day at MFUGE, your students will be challenged and stretched as individuals; in the evenings, you’ll have an opportunity to build group unity over dinner, worship, fellowship and church group devotions.

MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission!